14 March 2021 is election day for your new Foreigners Advisory Council (Ausländerbeirat). Your vote decides its make-up and future success.
Take part in the election and vote for your Ausländerbeirat on 14 March 2021!
The Councils - Ausländerbeiräte - have been the elected representation of foreigners in Hessen for many years. VOTE to keep it this way. Your vote will contribute to the continuation and success of the work of the Ausländerbeirat over the coming years.
Your election day is 14 March 2021.
It’s your interests that are at stake!
Local politics also for those without a German passport
The Ausländerbeirat:
Against discrimination – for integration
The Ausländerbeirat:
Bridges migrants and associations with city administration and politics
The Ausländerbeirat:
There are many good reasons to vote on 14 March!
Voting is simple!
You can vote if you are a foreigner (including EU citizens and stateless persons), are over 18 and have been registered at your present address for longer than six weeks.
A few weeks before the election you will receive a notification card (see sample on page 6), which provides details of your polling station. You will be able to vote at any time between 8 am and 6 pm (8.00 - 18.00 Uhr) on 14 March 2021.
You can find out who is up for election from your local Ausländerbeirat, brochures, the inter- net or from the sample ballot.
More detailed information on the voting proce- dure is available – also in your own language – at www.auslaenderbeiratswahl.de.
14 March 2021: Your vote counts!
Be sure to vote – and pass the message on!